Serving at the altar is a great way for our young men to honor God, learn about the Holy Mass and possibly discern a vocation to the priesthood. Our altar servers are trained and prepared to assist the priests and deacons at Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. If any young man is interested, please speak to one of our priests about the possibility of serving.
Below are some positions that our altar servers carry out:
Master of Ceremonies: This is the chief server of the liturgy who guides the service providing order and direction to all others.
Thurifer: At Liturgy where incense is used, the Thurifer carries and handles the thurible or censer that burns incense. The thurible is a metal container suspended by chains in which lit coals or wood are used to burn incense. Incense are grains of dried tree resin that are fragrant when burned. Sometimes another server carries the container that holds the incense (incense boat), he is called Boat bearer because he carries the boat (also sometimes called naviculum).
Crucifer or Cross Bearer: carries the cross in the processions at Liturgy.
Acolyte: typically servers who carry lighted candles with or on occasion without the cross. An Acolyte is also a Mass server. Candidates for the Deaconate and Priesthood are installed as Acolytes by the Bishop- Acolytes installed by a bishop assist at the Altar in a special way and can sometimes assist in caring for the Blessed Eucharist and in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Missal Bearer: This is a server who carries and holds the Roman Missal for the priest at Mass and other ceremonies.
Sacristan: The Sacristan prepares everything that is needed for a Liturgical celebration.
Torch Bearers: These servers carry lighted lamps or torches to honor the Holy Eucharist. They are most typical at Solemn Masses or Solemn Benediction.